Ultra-marathon Running

25k into the race

Mastering Ultra-Marathon Running

Ultra-marathons aren’t just longer marathons. If you’re new to them, a standard training plan won’t cut it. Ultra races vary in terrain and distance, each needing a unique approach. You’re unique too, with your own running history, strengths, and goals. That’s why a personalized plan is crucial to train safely and effectively.

Ultra-marathon & Coaching Experience

Choose a coach who’s not only completed ultras but also coached others. They’ll prepare you physically and mentally for the challenge ahead. Ultra-marathons are tough but rewarding—achieving your goal takes dedication and the right guidance.

Once you have run an ultramarathon like the Comrades Marathon, any failures you may have experienced are no longer that important!

Johnny Halberstadt

Charmaine’s ultra-marathon background

The Comrades Marathon (89km/55miles) in South Africa was my primary annual event, my “A” race! All training and races were geared towards achieving my best at this race.

To gain entry, runners need to run a qualifying marathon. Most importantly, your qualifying time determines your coral placement. A faster qualifying race places you closer to the start line, which means that a fast qualifying marathon is a good plan.

My best Comrades time was 7:52 (8:35/mile), and my best marathon time 3:12 (7:19/mile). Over the years, I completed most of the 10 Comrades races in under 8 hours. Throughout my training, I consistently ran several marathons at my goal pace for Comrades. This focused preparation was crucial in both locking in this pace and teaching my body to sustain it effectively.

After completing 10 Comrades Marathons, runners receive an embroidered permanent green number and VIP status. We absolutely recommend that you put this race on your bucket list, and I can help you do it!

Private online Running Coaching

Are you aiming to improve a PR, podium in your next race, or conquer an ultra-marathon? Maybe you’re aspiring to qualify for Boston or secure guaranteed entry into races like New York, Berlin, or Comrades marathon with a qualifying “fast runner” time? Charmaine specializes in helping committed runners achieve these goals with personalized, expert coaching.

In addition to month-to-month online training with unlimited communication (via email, text, or online platform) and unlimited changes to your training plan, we design personalized training plans tailored to your goals, fitness levels, and progress throughout the plan.

Find out more about our run coaching services here >>

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