Tag Archives | healthy

Oil Pulling for Oral Hygiene

Did you know that you can considerably reduce your potential for developing cavities, naturally and at low cost? In traditional Ayurvedic Medicine, oil pulling is used to prevent teeth decay, oral malodor, bleeding gums, dry throat, cracked lips, and for strengthening the teeth, gums, and jaws. There have now been several studies that support these […]

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Is Gluten-Free Good for You?

According to many health experts there is no proven benefit for going gluten-free, unless you’re one of a small number of people whose bodies can’t digest the protein, or are sensitive to it. For people with celiac disease gluten triggers an autoimmune response that damages their intestines. Others are sensitive to gluten and experience some […]

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Charmaine riding in the MS 150

The BP MS 150 Houston to Austin Bike Ride

Yes I’m signed up again, mostly because I love to ride and training for this 2-day event gets me out on the road. But there’s more: I am participating in the BP MS 150 Houston to Austin bike tour to raise money to help fund research into the cause, treatment and cure for multiple sclerosis […]

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