21-Day Living Life More Fully in 2017 Challenge

Living Life ChallengeLIVING LIFE MORE FULLY is the key to Health and Happiness! Starting on Monday, 2 January, this free 21-day Living Life challenge will help you define and achieve your goals for 2017.
Anyone, anywhere, can participate! Are you ready to begin living life more fully? You will receive only one task to accomplish each day. This way you can give each task your undivided attention (we all deserve a break from multi-tasking). You need a journal of some sort to write in and track your progress. Sign up now. I would love for you to join in and share your progress in the comments. This will also encourage others to take on the challenge.

NOTE: You can start the Living Life Challenge anytime and also repeat it open-ended, as you strive towards your goals, old and new, and reinforce healthy habits. And hey, I’d love for you to tell me a great task to add to the list!

Living Life Fully Task #1:

Write down 10 goals you would like to achieve in 2017. They can be small or big things that will bring you joy or satisfaction. Narrow this down to five, and then to one or two. You have a better chance of success in realizing this goal because you carefully eliminated the not so important things. If you have more than one important goal, organize them in order of importance.

Objective tableWhen you begin to refine the list, you will find it necessary to dig deeper to arrive at what it is you want? This is your chief objective or affirmation. Build a road map to take you there by defining 3 goals that support this statement, and another 3 tasks for each goal. I found this process really helps me.

So take you time, let it mull around in your head as you go about your life until it becomes evident. Then write it down.

Task #2 will give you the “time” you need to complete this!




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2 Responses to 21-Day Living Life More Fully in 2017 Challenge

  1. Sia January 6, 2016 at 1:15 pm #

    I am excited to manifest my dreams for 2017, and determined not to let this go the way of previous New Year resolutions!

  2. Charmaine January 5, 2016 at 5:40 pm #

    How did you do with your list of objectives? Feel free to share your dreams in the comments.